The Stars Gilr's
Éloïse's biography
Hello! my name is Éloïse but everybody call me Élo.I was born in Los Angeles in California. I am 23 years old.I started playing music a the age of 10 because I was pacionate of music and I wanted to play an instrument.I don't have brother and sister.I'm the drummer and sometimes the singer.I move to New York city and I met Mollie and became my bestfriend.Mollie and Rosalie was a group of music and I join us
Mollie's biography
Hi, my name is Mollie. I am 22 years old, and I am part of the stars girls music group. We started the band about 3 years ago when I was 19. It’s start because with Rosalie and Éloise we loved playing music since our adolescence together and then our passion developed together. I started playing guitar when I was young, approximately when I was 10 years old, and I started playing piano when I was 13 years old. I love singing too.
Rosalie's biography
Hi! My name is Rosalie but my friends call me Rosa. I was born in New York City. I have 22 years old. I started playing music when I was 5 years old because all my family are musician. I have one sister and 2 brothers and they are musicians too. I'm the oldest kid in my family. I'm the lead singer of the song "No pollution" and with my friend Mollie and Éloïse we sing the song "Special him" together. My favorite song of our album is Beautiful angel because it talks about my relationship with my sister. We are 3 people in the group. Now let's talk about how Mollie and me met. We met in high school, specifically in secondary 3. We noticed that we both like music so we made a band of just 2 people. Mollie sings, plays piano and guitar. I accompany her in singing. Éloïse was the drummer and plays piano and she was bestfriend with Mollie so it's how the group "The Stars Gilr's" be created. I feel inspired and write music when I experience something with full of emotions.

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Faites connaissance avec l'équipe qui contribue au succès de The Stars Gilr's. Depuis que nous avons ouvert nos portes en 2000, notre service client exceptionnel nous a permis d'acquérir une très bonne réputation. Derrière chaque commerce se cache une équipe de spécialistes dévoués au bon fonctionnement de l'entreprise. Apprenez à connaître l'équipe et contactez-nous si vous avez des questions.

Responsable service client
Contact est un(e) membre essentiel(le) de notre équipe chez The Stars Gilr's depuis les premiers jours. En tant que Responsable service client, il(elle) a aidé de nombreux clients, tous ont été très satisfaits.

Depuis son arrivée chez The Stars Gilr's, Contact joue un rôle crucial dans le succès de l'entreprise. Ses compétences, sa passion et sa créativité ont insufflé une nouvelle bouffée d'air dans notre fonctionnement.

Directeur(rice) adjoint(e)
Après une carrière florissante au sein de plusieurs entreprises, Contact a rejoint l'équipe de The Stars Gilr's. Nous sommes ravis de le(a) compter parmi nous. Collaborateur(trice) passionné(e), il(elle) a contribué au succès de notre entreprise.